A Dallas dentist holds a red and beige ribbon to indicate oral cancer awareness

What Does the Dentist Look for During an Oral Cancer Screening?

November 30, 2021 9:01 pm
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Routine dental appointments are important for many reasons. Your teeth and gums are cleaned and examined, and should any issues be diagnosed, our team will create a custom treatment plan, and we also aim to provide same-day treatment post-diagnosis whenever possible.

During these visits, our team is also looking for signs of oral cancer. If you are at an increased risk of developing oral cancer, please let our team know, as we want to keep that in mind as we are performing your oral cancer screenings.

Oral Cancer Warning Signs

There are a variety of signs and symptoms that can indicate that oral cancer has developed. Should you notice any of these signs yourself, please contact our team as soon as possible.

During your screening, we will check for any unusual lumps in or around your mouth or neck, mouth sores, red or white patches inside the mouth, roughened areas of tissue on your cheeks or tongue, enlarged neck lymph nodes, coughing, and pain while swallowing.

Risk Factors & Treatment

While oral cancer is not entirely preventable, it is highly treatable when it is diagnosed early. This is one reason why routine dental visits and oral cancer screenings are so important. Patients who are over 55 years old are at an increased risk of being diagnosed with oral cancer, and men are twice as likely to develop oral cancer as women. Regular tobacco use and alcohol consumption, as well as frequent sun exposure, can also increase your risk of oral cancer.

Are you looking to schedule your next dental visit and oral cancer screening with an expert dentist in Dallas, TX? Contact our team at Buckner Terrace Dental today. We would be happy to find a convenient time for you to come see us.

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