Cartoon image of Invisalign clear aligners to straighten teeth

Are My Teeth Too Crooked for Invisalign?

May 28, 2021 5:28 pm
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Invisalign® is a clear alternative to braces. This orthodontic solution utilizes smooth plastic aligner trays to gently push teeth into their desired positions over time. Each set of trays is worn for one to two weeks at a time before progressing to the next set in the series.

The aligners are specifically designed to make small adjustments to your teeth with each tray progression. When you first put on a new set of trays, they will feel slightly tight and uncomfortable. Once the teeth have shifted into alignment with the tray, it’s time to pick up your next set so your treatment can progress!

Benefits of Invisalign

Patients love Invisalign because:

  • Aligners are taken out to eat, brush, and floss for simplified oral care compared to braces
  • Clear trays are discreet
  • 12-18 months average treatment time
  • Smooth plastic doesn’t irritate cheeks or gums

Can Invisalign Treat All Misalignment?

Invisalign can fix mild to moderate misalignment. You may worry your teeth are too crooked for Invisalign. The only way to know for sure is to schedule an orthodontic consultation at Buckner Terrace Dental! We will evaluate your smile and let you know if you’re a good candidate for clear aligner therapy or if braces might be more efficient for your unique needs.

During your consultation, we will also discuss your budget and our financial options. We accept CareCredit payment plans and LendingClub loans, cash, debit and credit cards, FSAs and HSAs, dental insurance, and Medicaid. We also offer an in-house membership club that unlocks discounts on a variety of services.

Schedule Your Orthodontic Consultation!

Buckner Terrace Dental offers comprehensive dental care in Dallas, TX. Some of our amenities include calming aromatherapy, warm scented towels, complimentary beverages, TVs with Netflix, and private treatment rooms. Please contact us for information about our office or to schedule an appointment!

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Image from Authority Dental under CC 2.0

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